Vanessa herself is thrilled to be the new face of JUSTPROUD. She considers it a great honor to have been chosen to represent a brand involved in the movement of today's fashion industry. “It truly makes me happy to know that so many people voted for me and made this possible and for that I am grateful.
If there is one thing I want to do, it's to model. I just want to be out there doing what makes me happy, what brings joy to my life. After so many years of hard work, I am looking forward to all that is ahead. I know this is going to be a great journey, one I have been long awaiting and 100% ready for."
Geert Rietbergen, CEO of JUSTPROUD, stated: “We are very happy with our 1st Face. Vanessa did put in a lot of effort & determination and finally she made it to be chosen out of 414 (aspiring) models from 24 countries. That is a great achievement. JUSTPROUD is all about providing chances & making dreams come alive. We have the strongest belief that together with Vanessa we will emphasize this to the audience & made our first big step in creating this community driven Fashion Brand.”
Geert Rietbergen, CEO of JUSTPROUD, stated: “We are very happy with our 1st Face. Vanessa did put in a lot of effort & determination and finally she made it to be chosen out of 414 (aspiring) models from 24 countries. That is a great achievement. JUSTPROUD is all about providing chances & making dreams come alive. We have the strongest belief that together with Vanessa we will emphasize this to the audience & made our first big step in creating this community driven Fashion Brand.”